Monday, July 13, 2009

First Eggs!

Marshie laid her first egg on July 3rd. She skipped the 4th and has laid an egg a day since. She even laid a double yolk egg for us on July 11th - the same day that Brownie laid her first egg! Now we are just waiting on Carmel to start. She'll be laying blue/green eggs. ;) This is so much fun! This was Marshie's first egg, frying in the pan. Look at that yummy orange yolk!
Here are some of the eggs & the ginormous double yolker and Brownie's first brown egg too!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Charming Chickens

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Omlet Eglu

The Omlet Eglu has landed here in Colorado. Here is the scoop on this awesome chicken coop!
It came via Greyhound Express and they called us as soon as it had arrived. I drove downtown to pick up the two rather large boxes. Both wouldn't fit in the back of our Honda Pilot without putting the 2nd row seats down (which would also mean taking our 3 car seats out), so the kind man at Greyhound unpacked the box with the wire run and stuffed it around the Eglu box, so it would all fit.
Here it is hanging out on the back porch calling my name for unpacking. You can see the snow in the background almost thawed out from our last Spring storm.
The next day I was excited to get started! Thank goodness the weather warmed up quite a bit. The box came with these easy instructions - only a glance was really needed. Easy Peasy!
Unleashing the green Eglu from it's box chamber!
Set out & getting ready to attach the wire run.
It came with (10) Egg cartons that hold 4 freshly laid eggs. Such a nice little touch. Love it! Here I'm starting to attach one side of the run to the Eglu. The only tool needed for the entire job is a Phillips screwdriver.There are little green snapping clips used to attach the sides of the run together. Simple.The Eglu also comes with "Grub" & "Glug" containers that conveniently coordinate with the color of your Eglu. It's the simple things in life that count. ;)

Here is the finished product! Maybe took me an hour. Look, no more snow ~ ready and waiting for its chicken occupants.

If you are a thinking about raising chickens and live in the city, this just might be the coop for you! I know some people say that 1/2 the fun of getting chickens is scrounging for spare parts and slapping together a chicken coop & it might be true for some peeps, but not for me! The Eglu was simple, no fuss, no yearly maintenance needed and best of all it looks fantastic in my backyard!

For more information - check it out for yourself!